Well it's been a while since I posted in this blog, might as well make it interesting bringing it back from the dead.
So here's the deal: I'm getting sick of living in a small town, where the only friends I know are those type of friends who are content with staying home and never going out to do anything, like watch a movie or visit a larger town. There's only so much my friends from the net can provide me with in terms of social interaction(though I appreciate it a LOT), and so I've made a decision: I'm going back to school in Missoula.
I've gone to school at Missoula before, but at the main campus. I would probably go into the IT associate program and, if grades are well, transfer to a larger school to get my bachelor's in IT or something similar. However, since the PELL grant is limited in the amount of semesters you can use it, I am going to stay on the safe side and not go to school this semester(Spring 2012.) Obviously means more time for casting which is a bonus, but yeah, I wouldn't want to be in a situation where I only had one semester left of college in Missoula and I couldn't afford to pay for it due to not having a PELL payment(which would help not only with tuition, but room and food.)
So yeah, a little update on my life, hope you enjoyed the short read :P