Cast Announcements

If you missed the cast announcements live during the cast, here they are!

Helping Hand Program
Small time caster and want some help to get started in your casting career?  Sign up, and I'll select a group of 3-5 casters every two weeks to promote as much as I can during my casts!  For more info go here.

Youtube Content
After using my current Youtube channel for nothing more than old casts and highlights, I am FINALLY going to produce more content.  Let's Plays, vlogs, tutorials, perhaps even some Achievement and Trophy hunting for games that I've already completed on live cast.

Games Beaten List Cleared
In an attempt to make sure I play through some great games that I casted once before on my Twitch channel, I will be clearing the entire list of all the games I've beaten on cast.  There will also be a new section entitled casting accomplishments, such as when I complete a follower event or do a crazy cast just for the hell of it.

Rock Band Library Challenge
Hopefully the third time is the charm as I attempt to play through ALL of the songs I currently have on Rock Band 3.  The end of the challenge will culminate in a marathon to beat the remaining songs, which will be anywhere from 50 to 100 songs in one sitting.

Merchandise Shop BetaWant to support the cast while looking somewhat stylish?  I've finally opened up my own SpreadShirt store, which can be found here.  I put beta in the header because this will be a learning experience as we see if SpreadShirt has quality apparel, and adding whatever there is a demand for.  If you wanna see something added to the shop(only t-shirts are there now), feel free to drop me an e-mail!

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