Monday, November 7, 2011

Week in Review: October 29th, 2011 - November 6th, 2011

Just like that scare with that special women in your life when she's a bit late, we're a bit late with the week in review.  No worries though, no fear of pregnancy here in this blog, as we are ready to re-cap what's been going on.

Once again this past week has just been a jumbled mess of craziness and epic moments, whether it's because the feat itself was epic or the game itself was epic, there was a whole lot of epic.  Tired of me using epic to describe epic things?  Well too fucking epic, because we about to epic up this epic place inside your epic head.

When people call Minecraft by the name of Minecrack, they really aren't lying.  Just since October 29th, according to my video archives, I played Minecraft for a whopping 30 hours, including two casts that were around 12 hours each.

Thankfully I was able to break that up with what may become my Game of the Year for 2011: Uncharted 3.  Recently I've started a thing on cast recently where I will play a game in one sitting, the latest of which is Uncharted 3.

Watch live video from Bringing the Ruckus! on
To say this game is epic is a gross understatement.  It takes what made the first two games awesome and expands upon it, and REALLY pushes it up to the next level.  There were many moments where I couldn't formulate any coherent thought because the game took my breath away, and not like Berlin asked us to.  I'll go more into detail about the game for my top Games of the Year of 2011 post, sometime in January.

Finally, the week ended with a bang as I celebrated reaching 2500 followers on TwitchTV.  Not only did I beat Dead Space 2 on Hardcore in one sitting, I did it after streaming Minecraft for 12 hours(after which I had been up 20 hours), slept two hours, and then streamed Dead Space 2 for 11 hours.  THAT my friends is a sure fire way to get yourself sick, so please don't follow my example.  I'm serious on that one, but NOTHING can take away from how much gaming elation I felt to finally beat DS2 on Hardcore in one sitting.

Well, that's it for this week, things to look forward to for this week include MORE Minecrack, Modern Warfare 3, helping a marathon over at Chicken's channel, and of course...on Thursday....SKYRIM!  Til next time....

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